With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the entire planet, I felt it was time to do a little social distancing of my own; Car Geek style.
Several weeks of long hours working from my official and home office in my basement left me stressed out and feeling cooped up. The weather had been appalling with weeks of dark clouds, cold temperatures and rain. This was all topped off with the cancellation of the automotive activities like cars and coffee and autocross along with all planned family events. Needless to say, boredom set in.
A sudden turn in the weather lined up with one of my first post-COVID-19 outbreak Sunday’s without any work. To make things even better, the global economic downturn had gas prices lower than I’d seen in many years. So, like self-respecting auto enthusiast would do, I headed out for little automotive social distancing on my favorite back roads. Below is what greeted me at the start of my drive.

Why we need a little automotive social distancing
My thoughts about the joys of taking a fun drive are not new here, but in the face of current events I think it is even more important for everyone with the ability to take advantage of the mobility provided by a vehicle. Here are just a few benefits of taking a casual drive anyone can experience, regardless of their level of automotive enthusiast insanity.
- Sun and fresh air are rejuvenating. Not far in to this drive, I stopped to take the above picture. While standing there in the sun and early morning breeze I couldn’t help but feel better emotionally and physically. It was relaxing and rejuvenating all at the same time.
- A change of scenery is good for you. Depending on your employment and the local restrictions on movement, there is a good chance you’ve been starting at the same walls for weeks. Regardless of where you live, getting out of your home and simply seeing something different provides a much-needed break from the monotony we’ve been facing lately.
- Having a little fun is good for you! Whether you’re like me and live for enthusiastic driving, or simply like to get out on the open road, you can’t help but smile when you see the sign in the below picture. Getting your mind off current events and having a little fun has it’s own healing properties.
- It’s safe! Choose your location wisely and it is unlikely you’ll see many people. Those you will encounter are all safely tucked in the protective bubble of their own vehicles. On this drive, there were very few people on the roads. When I stopped to take pictures and enjoy the views, I never saw a single car. I was the only person for miles around. Plenty of social distancing!
Just go!
We all have a lot on our minds these days. If you are able, and local conditions allow, I highly encourage everyone take advantage of the safe recreation our vehicles provide. A change of pace, no matter how brief, is often exactly what we need.
Be safe, and stay healthy!